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To learn about the ceramic industry in Onda is to learn about the town’s history. Come to this museum and see how this art is inextricably linked to the evolution of the destination.

Siglo XXI

Museo del Azulejo Manolo Safont is a museum dedicated to the art of ceramics in Onda. As you slowly wander around, you will be blown away by the wealth and history of the ceramic tradition in the town. The collection comprises no fewer than 80,000 pieces and will tell you how the museum was founded as well as the techniques and materials used to make these valuable ceramics.

The ceramic museum will transport you all the way back to the Gothic period before moving you through time until the present day. The museum is constantly acquiring new pieces – particularly those from two centuries ago which was when the industry really started to evolve and grow – creating an ever-growing collection that reflects an essential part of local life.

During your time in the museum, you will discover the machinery that was used yesteryear and see documents that explain how the ceramic making process evolved in this part of the province of Castellón over the years.

The displays also give a great deal of weight to the changing social and cultural context in Onda. We recommend spending some time in the library where you can see documents, videos and audios that describe the changes spearheaded by the industry.

Once you’ve explored Museo del Taulell Manolo Safont inside-out, it’s time to take a stroll through Onda’s historic centre, which is one of the most spectacular in the Region of Valencia, thanks in part to its impressive castle. Start in Plaza del Almudín and then wander the streets, soaking up the artistry of the facades, arches, fountains and churches until you reach the fortress “of 300 towers”. A wonderful destination for an unforgettable getaway.