Festes Moros, Cristians i Contrabandistes de la Font de la Figuera

Multimedia Gallery

Multimedia Gallery
- La Font de la Figuera
- 46630
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- 962290004
- alcaldia@lafontdelafiguera.net
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In early December, La Font de la Figuera, a charming corner of La Costera, hosts an unforgettable festival in honour of Santa Bárbara. Festes de Moros, Cristians i Contrabandistes, the Moors, Christians and Smugglers Festival, is a three-day event which combines music, lights, and colours that draws in locals and visitors alike. This unique celebration closes the year’s festive calendar with something a little special: three rival groups each led by their own general. The Moors, the Christians and the Smugglers relive historical victories and defeats, flooding the street with excitement and tradition. The festivities begin with a sombre Pilgrimage to Santa Bárbara chapel where the image of the patron saint is carried in a procession to the parish church. At the end of the celebration, the statue returns to the chapel in a thrilling closing ceremony, marked by the selection of the Queens for the next year. The Pregón (opening event) marks the start of the festivities, followed by the spectacular Entrada of the Moors and Christians, the impressive Embajadas of the Moors and Christians, the energetic Guerrillas and the majestic Desfile de Comparsas parade. This festival not only promises exciting events, but also the chance to taste the local cuisine and experience the warm hospitality in the rural houses and hostels.
During these festivities, La Font de la Figuera comes to life with history and a party atmosphere. Come and join in with a few days of fun, camaraderie, music, and gunpowder at the Moors, Christians and Smugglers Festival in honour of Santa Bárbara, a unique celebration that brings together history and joy.
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