Fiestas de Moros y Cristianos

Multimedia Gallery

Multimedia Gallery
- Monforte del Cid
- Monforte del Cid
- 03670
- contact information
- 96 562 64 17
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Come to Fiestas de Moros y Cristianos, the Moors and Christians Festival in Monforte del Cid, held in December, and fall in love with a destination bursting with charm.
The lead-up to the festival, celebrated in honour of La Purísima, takes place in November with the salida del tambor, a parade of drum players, held on the four Sundays prior to the 5 December. On this day, the Moors and Christians Festival in Monforte del Cid holds the Alborada. Another event you won’t want to miss is the Embajada, which brings together thousands of people in a procession defined by extraordinary music, colour and costume.
On the 8 December, the Moors and Christians Festival in Monforte del Cid draws to a close, but six months afterwards there is a mid-year celebration, which serves as a sneak preview of everything that is to come.
On this occasion the positions for the upcoming edition are announced and there are plenty of delicious traditions like tortas monfortinas on offer. The June event also features plenty of activities for kids as well as parades and processions. Fancy planning a getaway to experience this festival? Don’t forget to try the local Paloma Anise while you're here!
Provincial tourist interest