Processó del Farolet de Pimentó

Multimedia Gallery

Multimedia Gallery
- Càrcer
- 46294
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- 962 580 016
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Processó del Farolet del Pimentó, Càrcer’s pepper lantern procession, is a charming tradition that takes place in this pretty town and is a great activity for the little ones to enjoy.
If you’re looking for something to do in Càrcer, we recommend planning your visit for the beginning of September so that your trip coincides with Processó del Farolet del Pimentó.
This colourful parade of handmade lanterns is an unusual event that has been going on for years in Càrcer. The lanterns are crafted out of fruit and vegetables, such as peppers and watermelons, locally grown from the nearby allotments. The creativity on show is very impressive!
The insides of the vegetable are emptied out, leaving space for a light, and the outside is carved for decoration, resulting in a colourful lantern that is ready to light up the streets. This wholesome activity is traditionally kept alive by children and their grandparents. Fancy seeing this creative custom in person? Make the most of your trip to Càrcer and stroll around the orange orchards, admiring the stunning La Ribera Alta landscapes. Your trip will undoubtedly be worth it!
Local tourist interest